Sign Up for DebateAddict

Thanks for signing up for DebateAddict. We promise that you will be cutting cards in just a couple of minutes.
Please begin by providing your contact information.

School Name*:
Team Name**:
Sponsor's First Name:
Sponsor's Last Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
City, State, Zip:
Sponsor's Email:
Sponsor's Password:
Confirm Password:
If someone referred you to us, please provide their name and email address.
I have read, and agree
to the Terms of Service

*Your School Name will appear on the login screen and on the card-sharing scrren
**Your Team Name will appear in the title bar of every page and every brief you create while logged in.
(You may set your school and team names to be the same if you wish and can change them at any time).

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